Connect Instagram Insights to Google Sheets with to simplify reporting
Get and prepare data effortlessly
Connect Instagram Insights to Google Sheets in a single UI without writing code. automatically collects, organizes, and transforms Instagram Insights data. Combine other apps' data with Instagram Insights data and export it on a schedule.
Automate reporting tasks
Ensure automatic data transfer from Instagram Insights to Google Sheets with You will no longer need to copy and paste data manually, putting its quality at risk. Blend data from several sources to build cross-app reports.
Stand out as a data-driven expert
Export Instagram Insights to Google Sheets to contribute to the creation of clear and transparent reports with near real-time data. Based on the obtained insights, express your ideas to stakeholders. Save your time for more time-consuming and business-critical tasks.
How to connect Instagram Insights to Google Sheets (detailed guide)
Step 1: Collect data
The first procedure on the way to export Instagram Insights to Google Sheets is to go through the source settings. Connect your Instagram profile following the in-app instructions. Then, select the report type you wish to export to Google Sheets.

Once you are done with all the source settings, go to the Transformation tab.
Step 2: Organize and transform presents you with a preview of the extracted data from Instagram Insights. You can review it and check whether everything is correct or make any changes if necessary. has the following options for data transformation and management:
- Create new columns with custom metrics using mathematical formulas.
- Blend the Instagram Insights dataset with data from other sources.
- Sort and filter data by selecting the available criteria.
- Edit the column name.
- Hide and reorder columns.

By elaborating on the dataset with these options, you will make it refined and ready for further processing. Thus, you will only need to make a few changes in Google Sheets upon loading.
Step 3: Load and schedule refresh
The last step to connect Instagram Insights to Google Sheets is to set up the destination. Select the spreadsheet to import data to and the exact sheet. Otherwise, provides an option to create a new sheet in the appropriate field.

Consider the automatic data refresh option to send regular data updates from Instagram Insights to Google Sheets. If this interests you, activate the Automatic data refresh option after setting up the destination. Save and run the importer to start the data transfer process.
Export Instagram Insights to Google Sheets on a schedule
Supply your Google Sheets with data as frequently as every 15 minutes. This ensures almost near-real-time reports and insights into your business. Otherwise, you can set the exact day of the week and time when you want the spreadsheet to be populated with fresh Instagram Insights data. Overall, the scheduling options provided by enhance the reliability and accuracy of your reports.

Export data from Instagram Insights to alternative destinations
Quick start with Social Media dashboard templates
Export Instagram Insights to Google Sheets automatically with just a few clicks.
Connect similar Social Media apps and get data in minutes
What to export from Instagram Insights to Google Sheets
How do you connect Instagram Insights to Google Sheets?
Pricing plans
- Monthly
- Annual (save 25%)
Keep your data safe safeguards your shared information and data transfers from breaches, leaks, and unauthorized disclosures.